const message = { "tip": { "群成员": "group members", "加入群组": "joined the group", "退出群组": "left the group", "被": "by", "踢出群组": "was kicked out of the group", "成为管理员": "was set as an admin", "被撤销管理员": "was revoked", "被禁言": " was unmuted", "被取消禁言": "cancel the prohibition", "群提示消息": "group prompt message", "管理员": "The admin", "开启全员禁言": "enabled Mute All", "取消全员禁言": "disabled Mute All", "成为新的群主": "became the new group owner", "修改群名为": "changed the group name to", "发布新公告": "posted a new notice", "把群公告修改为": "changed the group notice to", "申请加入群组": "requested to join the group", "成功加入群组": "Successfully joined the group", "被拒绝": "The request to join the group was refused", "你被管理员": "You", "群": "group", "解散": "disbanded", "创建群": "created the group", "邀请你加群": "invite you to join the group", "你退出群组" : "You left the group", "你被": "You were", "设置为群": "set as group", "的管理员": "as an admin", "撤销群": "revoked", "的管理员身份": "admin role of the group", "同意加群": "agreed to join the group", "拒接加群": "refused to join the group", "自定义群系统通知": "Custom group system notification" }, "custom": { "自定义消息": "Custom message", "通话时长": "Call duration", "通话结束": "Call End", "切换语音通话": "Switch voice call", "切换视频通话": "Switch video call", "发起通话": "Start a call", "取消通话": "Cancel", "已接听": "Answered", "拒绝通话": "Decline", "无应答": "No answer", "对本次服务评价": "Rate this service", "查看详情>>": "View details >>" } } export default message;